UCR aerial view



Contact us

We welcome visits to the museum, and appointments can be made through Doug Yanega, the Senior Museum Scientist. While we do not have public displays within the museum, there are some display cases in our building and the Entomology Department building nearby which are open to public viewing. In essence, while we are technically "open to the public", we serve a different function than a typical public museum; if you visit with the intent of seeing insect displays, you will likely be disappointed, but if you have an insect that you need identified, we'll be happy to help. You can also submit digital photos for ID using the link to Doug Yanega above.

Specialists are invited to visit the Museum for research purposes. Exchanges of specimens are also desired. Museum staff are also available to do identifications or field work upon request, but UC policy requires that such activities are fee-based, and such inquiries should be directed to Dr. Triapitsyn. Members of the public may visit the museum in person for help with identification of specimens, but cannot work in the museum without supervision, and if doing so for commercial purposes, a fee must be paid (though in special circumstances fees may be waived).


The Entomology Research Museum

Dr. Douglas Yanega

Office: (951) 827-4315
E-Mail: dyanega@ucr.edu
Fax: (951)-827-3086

Dr. S. V. Triapitsyn, Director

Office: (951) 827-7817
Fax: (951)-827-3086

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